Растворитель для удаления освинцовки и черного порохового нагара Lyman Butch's Black Powder Bore Shine, 236 мл, 02949

Модель:  02949

Артикул: 940760

цена: 1,020 руб.
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Растворитель для удаления освинцовки и черного порохового нагара Lyman Butch's Black Powder Bore Shine, 236 мл, 02949

Растворитель для удаления освинцовки и черного порохового нагара Lyman Butchs Black Powder Bore Shine, 236 мл, 02949

Butch's Bore Shine очиститель от продуктов горения чёрного пороха. 236 мл.

Сертификат: Не подлежит обязательной сертификации Хранить в недоступном для детей месте

Производитель: Lyman Products Corp 

Произведено в США

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This special formula dissolves fouling residue and neutralizes the corrosive acids produced by black powder.

Safe in all metals, factory bluing, stainless, nickel, aluminum, polymer frames, rubber and most plastics.


Butch's Black Powder Bore Shine was developed specifically for the Black Powder Shooter who asked for a better, faster way to clean their rifles. Butch's Black Powder Bore Shine comes from a special cleaning solvent used by the U.S. Military. This Black Powder bore cleaner, like the original Bore Shine, does it all. It removes Powder, Lead and Plastic Fouling from your Black Powder rifle faster than any other bore cleaner. Best of all it is odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, biodegradable and protects against rust and corrosion. You can't find a better cleaner for black powder anywhere. Safe in all metals!


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