Средство для чистки оружия, паста, VFG 951/67007, 20 г

Модель:  951/67007

Артикул: 940090

цена: 880 руб.


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Средство для чистки оружия, паста, VFG 951/67007, 20 г

Средство для чистки оружия, паста, VFG 951/67007, 20 г

Паста VFG для чистки, полировки, консервации и восстановления оружейных стволов, 20 гр. 951/ 67007

При сильном загрязнении мы рекомендуем проводить регулярную чистку с пастой для очистки VFG. Пасту следует применять при сильных металлических отложениях.

Читать полностью описание

VFG bore cleaning compound For the cleaning, restoration and preservation of gun barrels. Introduced into the barrel with felt cleaning elements of exact size, this compound can produce astonishing results, even on older weapons. It removes corrosion, metal deposits and other residues from the bore, and yet is not aggressive to the barrel steel. The fine polishing particles contained in the compound are broken down by the rubbing pressure into still finer micro-particles which gently remove dirt and deposits from within the bore. The compound contains only synthetic oils, giving it an almost unlimited shelf life. The bore cleaning compound is oil-soluble and can therefore be easily wiped out from the barrel using oil-soaked felt cleaners. The oil residues can then be removed with the aid of dry felt cleaners.


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