Основание Contessa Alessandro Weaver для Remington 700 short, CAT/PH15, сталь

Модель:  CAT/PH15

Артикул: 25869

цена: 10,900 руб. 10,590 руб.
Модель оружия:
Remington 700;


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Планка Contessa Alessandro Weaver для Remington 700 short, CAT/PH15

Основание Contessa Alessandro Weaver для Remington 700 short, CAT/PH15, сталь

Длина шины : 141 ммВысота шины (BH): 7 ммВес: 109 граммМатериал: стальE=92 ммРасстояние между отверстиями баз : 15/21 мм

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Основание Contessa Alessandro Weaver для Remington 700 short, CAT/PH15, сталь

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At Contessa Alessandro & C. s.n.c., have been suppliers of high quality machining to the gun industry for many years and we are famous for the absolute precision and consistency of everything we do. We have recently introduced a new line of easy-to-use scope mounts to meet the demand and needs of hunters and shooters all over the world, even the most discriminating ones. The combination of the most advanced technology, hand skills and experience as well as the use of the best possible materials allow us to manufacture extremely durable products.

Общая информация
Модель оружия: Remington 700

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