Оптический прицел Leupold VX-6 1-6x24mm (30mm) CDS с метрикой - это прицел загонного типа с нижним порогом кратности 1х.
Последняя разработка компании Leupold - новая "флагманская" серия охотничьих прицелов Leupold VX-6. Эти прицелы приходят на смену прицелам серии Leupold VX-7, которые на протяжении многих лет по праву считались одними из самых лучших в своем классе. Основным достоинством всех прицелов Leupold VX-6 является новая оптическая система с диапазоном изменения кратности 6х (6-крат) и непревзойденная светопередача. Безупречные характеристики механики и оптической четкости. Несравненная кратность увеличения 6:1, благодаря которой вы сможете легко захватить самую дальнюю цель.
Основные преимущества прицелов Leupold VX-6:
Превосходное изображение в любых диапазонах
Многие прицелы с большей кратностью обеспечивают лучшее изображение на краях кратности увеличения, оставляя средний диапазон более слабым по четкости и разрешающей способности. Модель VX-6 с самого начала была разработана для обеспечения неизменно исключительного качества изображения во всем поле видимости на всем диапазоне кратностей увеличения. Приложите прицел к глазу и сами убедитесь, на что способен наша американская команда квалифицированных инженеров.
Увеличение 6:1 с оборачивающей системой с двойной пружиной перемещения Twin Bias Spring Erector
Оборачивающая система с двойной пружиной перемещения Twin Bias Spring Erector System™ имеет пластинчатую пружину из сплава бериллия и меди, которая способна выдержать самые неблагоприятные условия. Ограничивающая сила в конструкции увеличена на 30 процентов, что практически полностью устраняет отдачу и нагрузку оборачивающей системы.
Большой окуляр VX-6
Быстро и легко приложив глаз к большому окуляру оптического прицела серии VX-6, Вы получите полную и четкую картину. Выполняя настройку для выстрелов на большее расстояние, Вы оцените гибкость, которую предоставляет VX-6, а если цель находится близко или на опасном расстоянии, ее можно быстро поймать в прицел – именно этим выгодно отличается данное изделие. Даже при высоком коэффициенте масштабирования увеличенное удаление выходного зрачка и большой окуляр позволяют получить невероятно широкое высококачественное изображение, полностью заполняющее окуляр (на иллюстрации ниже приведено сравнение с моделями конкурентов). Новая модель VX-6 обеспечивает полное поле обзора и превосходную яркость по краям во всем диапазоне увеличений – у Вас будут все шансы сделать лучший выстрел в своей жизни.
Оптическая система Quantum Optical System™ с покрытиями Xtended Twilight
Говоря техническим языком, основная часть пропускаемого света указывается как процент длины волны зеленого (здесь человеческий глаз наиболее чувствителен). Проблема в том, что при недостаточной освещенности зеленый свет исчезает, а вместо него появляется синий и фиолетовый (который человеку увидеть сложнее). Если прицел дополнительно отсекает синий и фиолетовый свет, Вы не увидите ничего. Система Xtended Twilight Lens System уделяет особое внимание точному соответствию покрытий высочайшего качества и показателей стекла – это позволяет добиться наилучшей возможной передачи синего и фиолетового спектра. Благодаря таким эксклюзивным преимуществам Leupold Вы сможете сохранить все малейшие проблески от рассвета до сумерек и повысить свои шансы сделать лучший выстрел в жизни.
Подсветка Firedot™
Модели визирных сеток VX-6 с подсветкой оснащены сверхъяркой подсветкой FireDot™. Низкопрофильная конструкция с одной кнопкой и максимальной технологичностью позволяет пользователям выбрать одно из 12 значений яркости визирной сетки. Высшее значение на 10% ярче стандарта подсветки FireDot, а низшее – на 10% темнее его. Запатентованная технология датчика движения (MST™) автоматически выключает подсветку через пять минут бездействия и снова включает ее при первом движении винтовки.
Система с выскакивающим регулировочным диском и сбросом нуля Cds®
В модели VX-6 дисковая регулировка осуществляется легко и мгновенно щелчком. В выскакивающей системе предусмотрена возможность сброса нуля, а поправки можно преобразовать в поправки CDS®. Эта уникальная система позволяет адаптировать прицел конкретным условиям баллистики и окружающей среды.
Окуляр с чрезвычайно быстрой фокусировкой
Окуляр с чрезвычайно быстрой фокусировкой обеспечивает большее изменение диоптрий в соответствии с большей вариативностью остроты зрения. Пользователи с близорукостью или дальнозоркостью могут плавно, быстро и точно регулировать фокусировку VX-6.
Непревзойденная защита от царапин
Внешние поверхности линз обработаны эксклюзивным образом с помощью DiamondCoat 2, что обеспечивает наилучшую защиту от абразивных материалов из всех, которые мы когда-либо предлагали – стандарты даже выше военных. DiamondCoat 2 обеспечивает непревзойденную надежность и в то же время улучшает светопропускание, повышая тем самым яркость, четкость и контраст.
Линзы без свинца и мышьяка
VX-6 обеспечивает лучшую оптическую четкость за счет выверенной обрезки отполированных линз, не содержащих свинца. Линзы не только отличаются превосходными оптическими характеристиками, но и выполнены по технологии, близкой к изготовлению обычного стекла, поэтому при их производстве не образуются вредные для окружающей среды побочные продукты.
Leupold Second Generation Waterproofing
Компания Leupold положила начало тому, что стало сегодня отраслевым стандартом гидроизоляции – первой начала использовать сухой азот для защиты прицелов от влаги и запотевания. Чтобы поднять планку еще выше, в модели VX-6 использовали преимущества гидроизоляции второго поколения – уникальной смеси газов аргона и криптона. Такая комбинация газов крайне эффективно противодействует термическим ударам и снижает рассеивание газов, которое наблюдается с течением времени. Полная водонепроницаемость гарантирована.
Прицельная сетка German-4 Сетка в типично евро-пейском стиле легко различима на сложном фоне и в тени за счет использования толстых напрявляющих.
Технические характеристики:
Our VX-6 takes all the advantages of our Quantum Optical System and multiplies it times six. You get virtually every feature you can imagine—legendary ruggedness, stunning optics, and a huge 6x zoom ratio that shortens the distance to your next trophy. With a VX-6 atop your favorite rifle, the advantage is all yours.Quantum Optical SystemLeupold mechanical and optical scientists, mechanical engineers and product line managers have dedicated their design efforts to developing the optical system for Leupold’s newest generation of riflescopes, including the VX-1, VX-2, VX-R and VX-6. The Quantum Optical System™ is a leap forward and provides a new level of optical performance for hunters and shooters. Using the rugged foundation of the legendary Vari-X series and employing state-of-the-art optical and mechanical design software and manufacturing processes, this system delivers new levels of performance in every optical category. Lead free, ecologically friendly glass compositions are used throughout—the geometry of each lens is maximized through a combination of Zemax® design software and evaluation using Leupold’s Zygo® Interferometer to minimize wave front error andincrease resolution. The result is razor sharp imaging across the typical light conditions experienced on any hunt—from the bright daylight of varminting to the dawn and dusk hours when big whitetails are on the move. By repositioning optical elements, employing new coatings and importantly, leaving key, time-tested mechanical aspects of the Vari-X system untouched, significant performance gains have been achieved in many other areas as well. The Quantum Optical System has greatly enhanced light transmission (up to 92% in the VX-1 system and 94% in the VX-2 system), resolution and color fidelity—all while preserving the ease of use and nearly indestructible ruggedness that has been a hallmark of Leupold riflescopes for generations.Xtended Twilight Lens SystemNow your hunt can reach further into the twilight than ever before possible, with our exclusive new Xtended Twilight Lens System™. It goes a step further than even the Index Matched Lens System®, using Leupold’s® index matched glass with wavelength specific lens coatings designed to optimize the transmission of low-light wavelengths. When most scope manufacturers quote percentage of light transmission, they usually mean at 550 nm, the green wavelength where the human eye is most sensitive. The challenge is that in twilight conditions, green light disappears and blue/violet light takes over. Your eye is already handicapped when it comes to seeing the blue/violet spectrum, and if your scope is cutting too much of it out, soon you won’t be seeing anything. The Xtended Twilight Lens System places extra emphasis on matching coatings to glass indices to achieve the best possible transmission of the blue/violet spectrum, without sacrificing the color balanced light transmission across the visual spectrum of the Index Matched Lens System. When we combine that with superior computer-generated optical design, lead-free lenses of unsurpassed clarity and quality, and 100 years of manufacturing excellence, you have a scope that gives you the details of low-light scenes in greater definition and luminance than any other scope in the world.DiamondCoat 2Exterior lens surfaces are treated with DiamondCoat 2™, an ion-assist lens coating, for higher light transmission and the greatest level of abrasion resistance we’ve ever offered. DiamondCoat already exceeds military standards for hardness and durability. DiamondCoat 2 offers unsurpassed durability and will prove its worth in the wildest places on earth. DiamondCoat 2 has the additional advantage of assisting in light transmission, for greater brightness, clarity and contrast.2nd Generation Argon/Krypton WaterproofingWhile we still waterproof other optics with bone-dry nitrogen – technology pioneered by Leupold® – Select models feature our exclusive, proprietary Argon/Krypton gas blend. Its advantages are two fold: it nearly eliminates the effects of thermal shock, and the Argon/Krypton molecules are significantly larger than nitrogen molecules, reducing the diffusion of gases sealed inside your scope even more than our proven nitrogen technology already does. We pioneered riflescope waterproofing, and now with Argon/Krypton we’re exceeding the standards we set ourselves.Lead FreeLeupold optics offer better optical clarity as a result of lead-free glass lenses. In addition to its superior optics, the lenses are produced with none of the environmentally damaging by-products common to standard glass production. A small step, but one in the right direction.6:1 Zoom RatioA powerful 6:1 zoom ratio delivers crystal clear images from edge-to-edge throughout the entire magnification range. Many higher power scopes provide the best picture at each end of the zoom ratio, leaving the middle ranges weaker on clarity and resolution. The Leupold 6X erector system was engineered from the outset to provide consistently exceptional image quality across the entire visual field throughtout the entire zoom range. Twin Bias Spring Erector System features berylium/copper alloy leaf springs and 30% more holding force to withstand the most intense recoil and abuse.Generous EyeboxThe generous eyebox makes it faster and easier to get your eye behind the riflescope and achieve a full, clear sight picture. Setting up for longer shots you'll appreciate the flexibility it affords, and in close up big game or dangerous game situations the quick target acquisition will be the difference maker. At high power, the longer eye relief and more generous eyebox gives you incredible head position latitude and an improved sight pictue that fills the eyepiece completely - putting you in better position to make the shot of a lifetime.FireDot IlluminationSelect models are available with our exclusive FireDot Reticle System in your choice of FireDot Duplex, FireDot Circle, Ballistic FireDot, FireDot LR Duplex, FireDot 4, FireDot Pig Plex, FireDot TMR and FireDot SPR. Once activated, the dot within the reticle illuminates with bright, sharp definition, while the rest of the reticle is non-illuminated. This combination leads your eye naturally to the center aiming point and makes target acquisition quick, precise, and simple.Pop-Up Rezero AdjustmentsPop-up re-zero finger click windage and elevation adjustments assure maximum adjustment range, precision and insant re-zeroing. The adjustment dials can be repositioned to align with the marked zero indicator of the adjustment without changing the adjustment setting of the scope. This allows the shooter to know the original zero of the rifle in the event that further adjustments are made in the field. To reset the zero simply lift the dial and rotate it until the "0" on the dial is aligned with the zero indicator.Blackened Lens EdgesBlackened lens edges reduce unwanted glare and diffusion through the lens edges to provide better resolution, improved contrast and superior optical prerformance.Twin Bias Spring Erector SystemThe twin bias spring exerts up to 30 percent more holding force on the erector, virtually eliminating erector system backlash and stress on the vital internal workings of the scope, for longer life.Extreme Fast-Focus EyepieceThe extreme fast-focus eyepiece ensures a generous eyebox, superior field of view and optimal diopter adjustment in the field. It allows the the user to adjust through the full range of diopter adjustment in one complete turn of the eyepiece. Also includes a free Alumina rubber eyepiece guard.CDS (Custom Dial System)Leupold CDS™ models allow you to quickly dial your elevation to different sight-in ranges with a custom adjustment matched to your specific ballistics information. The CDS dials change out easily, allowing you flexibility with different loads, conditions and calibers.Every CDS dial features ¼-MOA click increment finger adjustments and no adjustment covers to lose, making the VX-2, VX-3, VX-6 and VX-R even more accurate and rugged.How the CDS™ System Works The CDS System works by laser-inscribing your scope's elevation dial to match your load, velocity and conditions. Your scope will be in perfect synch with the way your rifle and load shoots, even for hand loads.Each CDS dial is unique, taking all practical ballistic and environmental factors into account.BAS (Ballistic Aiming System)Leupold’s® Ballistics Aiming System™ is comprised of seven specialized reticles –Boone and Crockett® Big Game, Varmint Hunter’s, LR Duplex, LRV Duplex, SA.B.R., Ballistic Firedot reticles and the new FireDot LRDuplex– which take into account the variables crucial to accurate, long-range shooting. In some models, special ballistics indicator marks on the power selector allow users to customize their power settings for their cartridge’s ballistics, then remember that setting for easy reference in a hunting situation. With multiple aiming points for longer ranges and varying wind speeds, and infinite power selector settings to match your rifle’s ballistics, the Ballistics Aiming System can help you master the art of accurate, long-range shooting. It has proved so successful in helping hunters learn how to shoot accurately at long range, we’ve expanded your BAS options with additional reticles offering many of the same benefits as the original reticles. We’ve also made them available in more riflescopes than ever. With practice, the Ballistics Aiming System will teach you how to gauge the distance to your target, where to place your reticle for that distance, and even how to compensate for wind deflection. With the Ballistics Aiming System and some practice, you’ll consistently make shots you wouldn’t have attempted in the past.Accurate, long-range shooting is probably one of the most difficult hunting skills to master. For many hunters, it remains a combination of hard-won experience, intuition, and a little luck. Together, the reticles of the Ballistics Aiming System give the hunter very useful tools for successful hunts with clean and efficient harvests. By practicing with the Ballistics Aiming System, all hunters can add science to the art of long-range shooting, and master this important skill.One System, Seven Unique ReticlesThe Boone and Crockett Big Game reticle and the Varmint Hunter’s reticle use the same principles to help you hone your long-range shooting skills, though each has been tailored to meet the needs of big game or varmint hunters. With practice, using each will become a natural part of your shooting. Unlike other range estimating reticles, the calculations made here are incredibly simple, and take the guesswork out of long-range shooting.Each reticle provides a series of aiming points. The first aiming point, the intersection of the Duplex® reticle, is to be used at 200 yards with most common cartridges, and 300 yards with several flatter shooting, longer-range loads. The Boone and Crockett Big Game reticle, Varmint Hunter’s reticle and FireDot LR Duplex reticle also provide you with two different power selector ring settings, indicated by large and small triangles on the power selector. These allow you to select the hold points best suited to the cartridge you are using. In some cases, the smaller triangle setting can be used with your slower, heavier bullet load, and the large triangle setting with your faster loads in the same rifle. The new SA.B.R. reticle also features holdover points and a power selector matched to different load settings for muzzleloaders and shotguns. The LR Duplex, LRV Duplex and Ballistic Firedot reticles are designed to be used only at the maximum magnification settings.For example, a 30-06 with a 180gr spitzer bullet and 2700 fps muzzle velocity would use the smaller triangle setting. In the same rifle, a 150gr spitzer bullet with 3000 fps muzzle velocity would use the larger triangle. We have designated three sets of cartridges to be used with the large and small triangle settings, and sight-in distances of either 200 or 300 yards, described as Group A (large triangle, 200 yard zero), Group B (large triangle, 300 yard zero), or Group C (small triangle, 200 yard zero). Verify the aiming points by shooting at the actual distances at which the hold points in the reticle are intended to work. With the LR Duplex and LRV Duplex reticles a shooter can tailor the reticle to his or her load by varying the magnifications, thus altering the subtensions. With all seven reticles, remember: practice, practice, practice!MST (Motion Sensor Technology)An important feature of select Illuminated reticle models is the Leupold-exclusive Motion Sensor Technology (MST). A single touch of the button or twist of the dial activates the illumination, offering several different intensity settings (depending on model) including a high/low indicator (FireDot reticles only). The reticle will automatically switch to “stand-by mode” after five minutes of inactivity, then reactivate whenever the rifle is moved. This eliminates the need for excess movement reaching for buttons, while extending battery life (powered by a readily available CR-2032 coin cell battery.1/4 MOA Finger ClickFinger click adjustments for windage and elevation (¼-MOA) offer absolute repeatability and dependability over a lifetime of extreme use (metric adjustments – 1 cm per click).Extended Battery Life30mm MaintubeSide FocusCustom Shop serviceableTactile Power Selector6061-T6 Aircraft Quality AluminumLeupold Scope CoverKeep your Leupold® riflescope looking like new. Protect its finish from dirt and damage with the durable scope cover included with your riflescope. Made of water-resistant, nylon-laminated neoprene. Protect your scope in storage or in the field.24K Gold Ring and MedallionAs a final touch, Leupold mounts a 24k gold-plated ring and medallion to each scope.
Увеличение (кратность): | Переменное 1-6x |
Производитель: | Leupold |
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