Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Модель:  TAT173WN4ZEUS31

Артикул: 939595

цена: 267,000 руб.
Тип устройства:
Увеличение (кратность):
Переменное 2.8-3.4x;
Кадровая частота:
60 Гц;


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Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицельная марка

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz) 

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)

Прицел тепловизионный Armasight Zeus 336 3-12x42 (30Hz)


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Armasight is excited to introduce its latest and most technologically advanced family of Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sights to the Sporting, Law Enforcement and Military markets. The Zeus product line is based on the latest FLIR Tau 2 VOx microbolometer core and is composed of ten (10) different models – each optimizing performance, price and state of the art technology for a variety of uses and mission applications ranging from the seriously committed hunter to the military designated marksman. While primarily designed as a weapon scope, the Zeus functions equally well in its collateral assignments as a magnified spotting scope or handheld thermal imager.

The Zeus is a solid state, uncooled, long-wave infrared, magnified dedicated weapon scope intended for day and night engagements without the need to remove the sight from the rifle. The 24/7 mission capability is only one of the strengths of Zeus. The thermal imaging technology also allows you to detect targets by cutting through snow, dust, smoke, fog, haze, and other atmospheric obscurants. Unlike the use of laser targeting or near-infrared illumination to augment night vision equipment, the Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sight is extremely difficult to detect with other devices as it emits no visible light or RF energy.

In addition to being the smallest and lightest in their class, Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sights are characterized by their simple and intuitive controls, functions and features that are layered among direct button adjustments, direct combination button functions, and electronic menu selections. This “layering” of easy-to-understand control functions provides the operator with a framework for customizing his preferences and exploiting the robust variety of setting options available in the Zeus. The Zeus has a series of selectable color modes based on a rich, upgradeable software package. A wireless remote switch is included to activate the Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sight when positioned in the “standby” mode. The Zeus has the ability to record imagery and is equipped with a video-out capability in operator selectable NTSC or PAL formats. The Zeus uses the same multi-pin connector to provide both video-in imagery, where there is a need for map or rangefinder display overlays, and external power access.

Zeus weapon installation is easy, repeatable, and reliable based on a unique and highly user-friendly MIL-STD-1913/WEAVER/PICATINNY rail compatible quick-release locking mechanism. The solid state technology and software algorithms combined with a complimentary color reticle platform used in the Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sight ensure maximum reticle contrast, high level target accuracy, and boresight retention that cannot be achieved with mechanical boresight adjusters and traditional ballistic drums. This level of accuracy is translated into the electronic zoom (e-zoom) function of the Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sights which can be progressively increased from 1x to 2x and 4x without changing the point-of-aim to point-of-impact relationship of the targeting reticle.

Armasight is convinced that the Zeus Thermal Imaging Weapon Sight represents one of the most sophisticated sighting devices available to hunters, SWAT Teams, and the Military on the market today based on superior price-to-performance value.

  • Special User-Adjustable Imaging Tools
  • Active Contrast Enhancement (ACE) – a digital “Contrast” correction that allows for a smart scene optimization based on dynamic adjustments where a variety of contrast levels occur depending on relative scene temperature.
  • Second Generation Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE) – a “Sharpness” correction that is digitally enhances the picture to present clearer imagery, significantly improves edge sharpening and further reduces image noise.
  • Smart Scene Optimization (SSO) – a fine-tuning computational correction that significantly improves an overall visual acuity for targets that have thermal signatures similar to a surrounding background.
  • Automatic Gain Control (AGC) – a “Gain” correction that used to automatically adjust the gain to an appropriate range, the weaker the image signal, the stronger the gain.
  • User-Controlled Manual Non-Uniformity Correction/Flat-Field Correction (UCMNUC/FFC). There is a mechanical shutter between the camera sensor and the lens. This shutter is used to perform a non-uniformity correction (NUC) also known as flat-field correction (FFC. During FFC, the shutter presents a uniform temperature source to each detector element in the array. While imaging the flat-field source, the camera updates the offset correction coefficients, resulting in a more uniform image after the process is complete. All Zeus models allow for user to manually trigger or interrupt scheduled UCMNUC/FFC function.
  • Silent Shutterless NUC ™ (SSN) – In addition to user controlled manual NUC/FFC all Zeus models employ a digital supplemental non-mechanical flat-field correction that allows to extend the periods between mechanical shutter events and to further reduce image noise. SSN is always ON enhancement.



  • The lightest and most compact scope in its class
  • Optical Magnification 3.4x(PAL)/ 2.8x(NTSC)
  • User selectable NTSC or PAL format
  • The latest Tau 2 17-micron uncooled FLIR core technology
  • Pixel Array Format: 336×256
  • Display Type: AMOLED SVGA 800x600
  • Easy and Intuitive Drop-down user interface
  • Fast 30Hz or 60Hz imaging
  • Digital E-Zoom: 1x, 2x and 4x
  • Color Modes: White Hot/ Black Hot/ Rainbow/ Various Color Modes
  • 6 onboard digitally controlled reticle patterns available: “Dot 4 MOA," “Line Dot," “Cross-Center Dot," “Cross," “Crosshair," and “No Reticle”
  • Reticle Colors: Black, White, Red, Cyan
  • Electronic zoom reticle tracking capability maintaining boresight
  • Imaging Filter Algorithms:– Active Contrast Enhancement™ (ACE)– Second Generation Digital Detail Enhancement™ (DDE)– Smart Scene Optimization™ (SSO)– Automatic Gain Control (AGC)– Silent Shutterless Non-uniformity Correction™ (SSN)
  • Extended Operation Time with Optional External Battery Power Supply
  • Recording: Video Output /Optional Video Recorder with onboard replay
  • Wireless remote control for tactical operations
  • Water and Fog-Resistant
  • CNC machined aircraft-aluminum alloy construction
  • Rapid start-up
  • MIL-STD-1913 (Picatinny Rail) Quick Release Mount
  • Integral MIL-STD-1913 Rails on unit for optional day optics or accessories
  • Shuttered eyeguard to prevent facial display backsplash and maintain light security
  • Made in the USA
  • Limited 3-year warranty
  • 10-year warranty on FLIR detector



30 Hz
2.8x / 3.4x
FLIR Tau 2
17 µm
Discretely Adjustable to 8 Levels
3 sec
1x, 2x and 4x
White Hot, Black Hot, Fusion, Rainbow, Globow, Ironbow 1, Ironbow 2, Sepia, Color 1, Color 2, Ice-Fire, Rain, and OEM Custom
6-Pattern Digitally Controlled: Dot 4 MOA, Line Dot, Cross Center Dot, Cross, Crosshair and “No Reticle”
Black, White, Red, Cyan
Digitally Controlled
PAL (768×574 pixels)/ NTSC (640×480 pixels)
Optional Digital Video Recorder with SD card slot
42 mm
7.8° x 5.9°
10 mm
45 mm
5m to inf.
±5 diopter
0.71 MOA0.2 mils0.7in/100yd2cm/100m
0.6 MOA0.17 mils0.6in/100yd1.7cm/100m
±57MOA /±48MOA
Two CR123A 3V Lithium batteries or CR123 type rechargeable batteries with voltage from 3.0V to 3.7V (2)
Up to 4 hr (optional up to 12 hrs)
Two 18650 rechargeable batteries (3.7V) or four CR123 type rechargeable batteries with voltage 3.7V max or four standard CR123A 3V Lithium batteries (operational time up to 8 hrs)
6 VDC/ 600mА
-40° to +50°C (-40° to +122°F)
-50° to +70°C (-58° to +158°F)
700 g
Water and Fog-Resistant
Picatinny, MIL-STD 1913, and Weaver Rails
42 mm (1.65 in)
194 × 68 × 78 mm (7.6 × 2.7 × 3.1 in)
0.7 kg (1.5 lbs)
3 year
10 years
Общая информация
Тип устройства: Прицел
Увеличение (кратность): Переменное 2.8-3.4x
Кадровая частота: 60 Гц
Видеовыход: Есть
Разрешение матрицы: 336 × 256

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