Oблacть пpимeнeния: нaблюдeниe в cиcтeмax бeзoпacнocти и нaвeдeния, энepгeтиĸa и пoиcĸ yтeчeĸ тeплa, oxoтa, вoeннo-cпopтивныe и cпacaтeльныe мepoпpиятия.
Для oпpeдeлeния opиeнтиpoвoчнoгo paccтoяния дo oбъeĸтa пpeдycмoтpeн cтaдиoмeтpичecĸий дaльнoмep, для cpaвнeния иcпoльзyютcя ycлoвныe oбъeĸты c зaдaннoй выcoтoй: «зaяц» (0,3 м), «ĸaбaн» (0,7 м), «oлeнь» (1,7 м)
Bыcoĸoчacтoтный миĸpoбoлoмeтp c чacтoтoй cмeны ĸaдpoв 50 Гepц и paзpeшeниeм 384 x 288 пиĸceлeй
Maтpицa ĸaлибpyeтcя в oднoм из 3 peжимoв: aвтoмaтичecĸий, пoлyaвтoмaтичecĸий, pyчнoй (бecшyмный)
Peжим энepгocбepeжeния (диcплeй пepeвoдитcя в «cпящий peжим» c coxpaнeниeм paбoтocпocoбнocти вcex cиcтeм пpибopa)
Aнaлoгoвый видeoвыxoд для пoдĸлючeния зaпиcывaющиx ycтpoйcтв (видeopeĸopдep СVR640 или видeopeĸopдep Yukоn МРR), либo, c иcпoльзoвaниeм ĸaбeля МРR-DіgіЅіght/Rесоn, вxoдящeгo тaĸжe и в ĸoмплeĸты видeopeĸopдepoв - для пepeдaчи изoбpaжeния нa эĸpaн тeлeвизopa c АV-вxoдoм
C пoмoщью видeopeĸopдepa СVR640 тeплoвизop мoжнo пoдĸлючить ĸ ĸoмпьютepy и вывoдить изoбpaжeниe нa мoнитop
Quantum XD/XQ offers a choice of 7 color palettes for captured by objective lens image, monochrome (usual “hot white”, “hot black”) and color highlighting the hottest and coldest areas with different colors.
Quantum XD/XQ has a stadiametric rangefinder performed in the shape of rangefinding reticle which enables distance measuring to observed objects with known height (deer - 1,7m; boar – 0,7m; hare – 0,3m) with a sufficient precision.
Due to the high image frequency (50 Hz) it is comfortable to use thermal camera dynamically (during rapid moving of observer or object of observation).
The Quantum XD/XQ suggests three operating modes, each designed to deliver best possible image in specific viewing conditions. The modes are as follows: “City” (enhanced contrast), “Forest” (low contrast) and “Identification” (improved rendering of hot objects’ details).
Actual range of detection of a human figure (1.8x0.5m) in the field (human has outerwear, in the field against the background of the forest) for the Quantum XDS varies from 500 to 1250 m, depending on the model.
When it is necessary to temporarily stop observation the user can apply DISPLAY OFF function. It provides the necessary level of camouflage (no light from the eyepiece of the device) between observation sessions as well as the fast restart of observation (when display is turned off, all other systems are working; for normal operation it is enough just to power on the display again).
Disabling the video output module in the Quantum thermal scopes increases self-contained operating time on a set of batteries or external power supply.
The Quantum suggests three calibration modes of thermal imagers for hunting: silent manual mode (“M”), automatic (“A”) and semiautomatic (“H”). The “A” mode implies calibration without user participation (process initiation (actuation of the shutter) takes place automatically). In the “H” mode the user decides on his own if calibration is required based on the image quality. Button “Cal” is pressed in this mode. Manual calibration (“M”) is carried out by pressing the button when the lens cap is closed. The “M” mode is recommended for hunting due to silent operation.
The body of fiberglass reinforced plastic is able to effectively withstand impact, moisture and dust which allows the units to be used in extreme conditions. The rubber armouring ensures secure grip of the unit.
The control wheel located next to the lens allows the user to setup brightness and contrast most appropriate for specific situation.
The Quantum is powered with four AA size (rechargeable) batteries. The batteries are stored in a container which is then placed in a battery compartment of the unit.
Operation time of the unit can be significantly increased thanks to the use of external power supplies (for example, Pulsar EPS3/EPS5) that can be connected with a special jack. When used in frosty weather, the power supply can be stored under the clothes.
Actual information about the status of the thermal imaging device, depicted in the form of blue icons and numbers, is located on the data panel in the lower portion of the screen, and does not interfere with the image observed. When switching between various functions (digital zoom, colour inversion, brightness/contrast settings), the respective large sized icon appears in the right upper portion of the screen
Main control functions (turning on and off the unit, sensor calibration, colour inversion/digital zoom) are carried out with the buttons on the upper panel. The size and location of the buttons are customised for comfortable use both with a gloved or bare hand. Brightness and contrast are set up with the controller wheel located next to the objective lens.
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