Амортизатор отдачи наплечный Past Magnum Recoil Shield, 300010
Наплечный амортизатор предназначен для смягчения удара в момент выстрела (отдача) и повышения устойчивости оружия при прицеливании.
Цвет | бежевый |
Вес | 170 грамм |
The PAST Mag Plus Shield™ is designed to provide the same unparalleled recoil protection as the original Mag Shield but features a larger surface area. The heartshaped design expands the recoil absorption area, extending protection to the upper arm. This quality is especially valuable in those cases when the rifle or shotgun is not shouldered perfectly. The size and shape of the Mag Plus Shield creates the perfect combination of function and comfort. This time-tested design has become a favorite for shooters around the world.
The shield’s 1/2″ thick energy-absorbing pad provides excellent protection for calibers up to 300 Winchester Magnum.
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