Амортизатор отдачи наплечный Caldwell Past Super Mag-Plus Recoil Shield, 330110
Наплечный амортизатор Past Super Mag-Plus Recoil Shield Ambidextrous CP=6. Наплечный амортизатор предназначен для смягчения удара в момент выстрела (отдача) и повышения устойчивости оружия при прицеливании.
The PAST Super Mag Plus Shield™ is designed to tame the real thumpers like the 416 Rigby and the 500 Nitro Express.
This shield is 1″ thick and provides the highest protection level of any PAST Shield. With the maximum amount of energy-absorbing protection, the Super Mag Plus Shield makes shooting even the biggest calibers tolerable.
The heart shaped design provides superior protection for the shoulder and the upper arm.
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